Tanknology’s Fuel Management program combines a suite of services to increase the profitability of your service station. The program is designed to reduce shrinkage (unexplained product loss) by thousands of litres per year on the average site. In addition to assuring regulatory compliance with Measurement Canada meter calibration and provincial testing requirements the program uses designated account managers to provide ongoing support and advice on how to achieve efficiency and increase profits.
Provincial testing requirements include precision tank and line testing, leak detector testing and automatic tank gauge certification.
Statistical Inventory Reconciliation (SIR) is the most widely recognized continuous leak detection method for underground storage tank systems. SIR is a stand-alone third party certified precision leak detection method, which covers both the tank and lines.
Through daily, monthly and yearly trends or signatures we can identify meter calibration and chart errors, delivery and product blending issues and possible theft using mathematical applications on simple inventory data.
Fuel dispenser meter calibration errors are the leading cause of inventory loss for petroleum retailers in Canada. Our closed loop calibration technology is the safest, most accurate, and consistent calibration method available today.
Weights and Measures Canada requires any retail petroleum dispenser be certified by a Recognized Service Provider once every two years.
Tanknology is a Measurement Canada Recognized Service Provider capable of certifying retail and high speed meters on their behalf.
Now you can complete an API 653 inspection on your aboveground storage tanks with no interruptions in service by using our robotic inspection technology. This method is not designed to replace but rather complement conventional out of service inspection methods. It is ideal where it is not practical to drain and put the tank out of service for inspection or if you do not anticipate that repairs will be required.
The Robotic service systematically scans the tank floor to collect and record a high volume of UT data for analysis by a qualified API 653 inspector. The inspector reads and evaluates the floor plate for thickness, top and bottom-side pitting and corrosion locations.
Developed and patented by Tanknology, the VacuTect ® precision tank testing system is the world’s leading testing method. It has been used successfully to test more than one million underground and aboveground tanks worldwide. VacuTect ® determines the integrity of storage tank systems by monitoring for changes in pressure, sound or water level when a vacuum is introduced.
Our TLD1 precision line test technology is certified to test pressurized underground piping systems without having to remove the fuel from the line.
Our tank and line test technologies are third party certified as Level 1 leak detection methods and meet all jurisdictional requirements in Canada.
Many retail facilities use automatic tank gauging and leak detection systems to manage fuel levels and meet regulatory compliance. These systems should be inspected annually in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.
Secondary containment sensors located in the sumps and under the dispensers are tested individually. Each sensor is put into an alarm condition to test the signal to the console. The console is then inspected to assure that it has reacted to the signal in the appropriate way.
Mechanical and electronic line leak detectors are installed on pressurized piping systems. They are designed to reduce the impact of a product release to the environment by shutting down the dispensers in the event of a leak.
Shear valves, also known as impact valves are located below the dispenser and are designed to stop the flow of product if the pump is impacted by a vehicle or affected by fire.
Line leak detectors and shear valves must be inspected annually to ensure they are functioning in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.
Secondary containment systems such as tanks, sumps, piping, and dispenser pans provide protection from product escaping from the underground storage tank system back into the environment.
Testing of secondary containment systems ensures that any potential release will be contained thus providing sound risk management and environmental compliance.